Editing your full proposal

How to edit your full proposal using APNIS.

You will be automatically logged out of APNIS after 6 hours of inactivity. Therefore, it is recommended to properly save your edits to avoid data lost.

Once a full proposal is created, you can edit it any time before the submission deadline:

  1. Locate your draft full proposal from the list and press Edit my full proposal.

In the full proposal editor page shown below, use the tabs (#1) to navigate to a different section of your full proposal. The Files section (#2) lists reviewer comments and any other documents you must read and respond to.

Click on the title of each tab (Basic, Collaborators, Details, Appendices, and Preview & submit) to fill in the required information under each tab.

You should edit and save one field at a time in order to prevent data lost.

Adding collaborators information

In stage 2, you must provide the basic contact information of each collaborator listed in your proposal. To do so, fill in each collaborator's information and press Add collaborators. To add multiple collaborators all at once, press the Append row button as indicated in the figure below as needed.

An APNIS account will be created for each collaborator who does not have an account yet. To use their account, the collaborator must reset their password. Refer to Recovering and account for details.

Submitting your full proposal

Once you have completed all the required information, click Submit full proposal on the full proposal editor page to confirm your submission before the submission deadline.

You cannot edit or withdraw your full proposal once it is submitted.

Based on the information you submitted, APN may require you to further revise your full proposal before any further step is taken. If so, you will receive an email notification with further instructions.

Last updated